[Update] Project Deeper v1.3

Project Deeper Update 1.3

In this update we bring some minor changes and fixes to the game. Nothing with much impact, but you may feel the difference when playing.


  • The sprites for the lights have been replaced from the placeholder art - lightbulbs - to a new one: ornated candles. We think it's more akin to the theme, but let us know what YOU think of it.


  • Tinkered a bit with the hitbox of all traps to increase the window of response to the danger, but still keeping it challenging... we think. XD;
  • Also fixed some traps too close to some chekpoints where the player would die intantly after respawn.


  • The Shadow of Sorrow dialog's now has different font and no longer keeps flickering all the time;
  • After completing a maze, the door to it on the main stage now becomes a light, indicating it's completion.

Aaaaaaaaand... that's all folks! As stated before, nothing major changed this time. Please let us know if you have suggestions or find any pesky little bugs in the games. Now, it's time to do some narrative... and maybe do some decent screen transitions. Yeah... I know we promissed the transitions and mobile support for today, but it's not working properly yet and we dunno why yet. Next time, for sure! Promisse.

See you next Thurday! Thank you for playing!

- Mr. Mudows

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